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The werehyenas are one of a number of lycanthropes, humans inflicted with a supernatural virus which alows them to take the the power and appearance of a specific species of animal, in this case, hyena.

The werehyenas along with the weretigers are matriarchal societies (led by a woman/queen), unlike most of the other lycanthrope societies which are patriarchal.


  • The ability to speak mind to mind among themselves.
  • Heightened hearing, agility and endurance; they are significantly stronger and faster then normal humans.
  • While regular weapons can cause them injury, they will heal most wounds given time, but are still vulnerable to silver and fire.
  • Transformation from human to animal form heals most injuries instantly, up to and including fresh loss of limbs unless the wound has been cauterized, but quick transformations use up a lot of energy and only the most powerful werehyenas can transform into an animal and back without immediately passing out in exhaustion afterwards and sleeping for several hours.
  • Werehyena jaws are stronger than most wereanimals', to the point that they can eat through the side of a Buick with one bite.

Known Clan's

Werehyena terminology

  • Oba - leader, usually a female.