Anita Blake Wiki
Anita Blake Wiki

"We don't have a home, we have hotel rooms. Places we rent."
—Nicky to Jacob[src]

Nicky is a blond werelion with a missing right eye and a was an enforcer of Jacob's pride. He was made into a werelion by Jacob, and has been with his pride since he was nineteen. He first appears in Flirt, when he and Jacob kidnap Anita so that she can raise Tony Bennington's wife as a zombie. He along with Jacob are strongly attracted to Anita because she is a unmated lioness. Because he has never been with another lycanthrope, he losses control and challenges Jacob for the right to be Anita's mate.

Although he believes that Anita has rolled him as a vampire could, he still agrees to let her feed the ardeur on him. During the feeding Anita decides not to make him her "lion to call", but to roll his mind completely, making him her slave.

He does not seem to mind, having wished he had a place he belonged, and Anita takes him with her after she is rescued.
